Fruit and Vegetables

When our mothers told us to eat our fruits and vegetables, they were giving us great advice. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our diet, providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals that serve important functions in the body. Many people, however, are still deficient in their intake.

A rainbow of reasons

Over the last several years, major health institutions have recommended eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Yet, few of us achieve this goal. But there is a rainbow of reasons to eat a variety of colors from the produce aisle. Fruits and vegetables are virtually fat free, low in salt and an excellent source of fiber. Some fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and cantaloupe, provide vitamin A, which maintains eye health and immunity. Other fruits and vegetables, such as bananas and spinach, contain potassium, which is necessary for proper nerve and muscle functioning. Green vegetables, such as broccoli and asparagus, provide B vitamins, which are necessary for converting food into energy. And all fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients, the health-promoting components of plants. Scientific studies show that phytonutrients can help protect seven key organs-including the eyes, heart, liver and skin-and they can also act as antioxidants.

Antioxidant protection

Current research has measured the total antioxidant power of various foods, citing fruits and vegetables at the top of the list. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals that can cause damage to cellular membranes. Antioxidants also boost our immunity, help make our muscles stronger, and support bone and skin health. So try to get in the habit of eating plenty of produce each day.

But honestly ... eating the recommended daily servings of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables is not always realistic, so try supplementing your diet with appropriate products that will help to provide your body's vital organs with those key nutrients. Herbalife is a leader in the health and wellness industry, and your Herbalife Independent Distributor can help you discover the best products for your nutritional requirements.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Posted by Jerry Hill on Wednesday 10 February 2016
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Power Of Soy

Soy-based products are on the rise for very healthy reasons. Learn how to get your recommended daily dose of this super bean.

It's no secret: the humble soybean boasts some extraordinary health benefits. Many health and dietary professionals recommend an average daily intake of 25 grams of soy protein with soy isoflavones-in addition to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet-to help reduce the risk of heart disease; they conclude that foods containing soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol might reduce the risk of cardiac-heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

One way soy seems to promote heart health is its high content of isoflavones:



  • Soy protein and soy isoflavones have been shown to promote healthy cholesterol that is already within normal range.
  • Soy isoflavones help the body regulate estrogen levels, which might help alleviate many menopause and PMS symptoms.
  • Soy protein enhances the body's ability to retain and better absorb calcium into the bones. Soy isoflavones help by slowing bone loss and inhibiting bone breakdown.

Herbalife offers a wide range of great-tasting soy-based products including Formula 1 products, Formula 3, Personalized Protein Powder, Protein Bars, and Soup Mix. These products are only available through Herbalife Independent Distributors, so contact your distributor today to learn more.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,



Posted by Jerry Hill on Wednesday 10 February 2016
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6 Habits That Can Ruin your Healthy Diet

Weight loss, eating a healthier diet, becoming more active, working towards a better body shape. Whatever your goal, there always seems to be a few habits that get in the way, even when we have the best intentions. Success means not only achieving your goal, but also maintaining it. Here are some common dieting habits to be avoid.



  1. You think you can lose weight without exercise - To be healthy, lose weight, and keep it off, you need to exercise regularly. Exercise helps you achieve a better body shape by toning the muscles; supports metabolism; helps increase energy levels, fitness, and endurance; plus it's good for the mind!
  2. You drink too many calories - Staying clear of the fizzy drinks is great, but don't replace it by drinking more fruit juice. Remember: juice can contain almost the same number of calories as fizzy drinks. Yes, juice has natural sugars, which is better than sucrose or artificial sweeteners, but always read the label, as often sugar is added, and there's no fiber. Where possible, eat your fruit rather than drink it.
  3. You think all fats are bad - Beneficial fats are unsaturated fats, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are primarily found in oily fish, nuts, and seeds. Fat is essential for health; just make sure you limit saturated fats and trans fats.
  4. You think changing your diet is temporary - Just because you've reached your target weight, or achieved your goal doesn't mean you can stop your diet. Do celebrate your success, but don't fall back into old habits and end up gaining back the weight you've lost. Make your new diet choices permanent, not temporary, and recognize that a healthy diet isn't just about weight loss; it's about choosing a healthy lifestyle!
  5. You find it hard to know when to stop eating - Eating small, regular meals throughout the day is best, but make sure you keep them balanced and don't lose track of how much you've eaten. It's so easy to get caught up doing work or busy talking while you eat, and forget to stop when you're no longer hungry!
  6. You lose motivation - Motivation is an intergral part of sticking to your eating or exercise plan. Surround yourself with family and friends who encourage your decision. This is especially important when you notice results starting to plateau. Try putting post-it notes or inspirational photographs around the house and in the pantry to remind yourself of your goals and how far you've come so far.

Remember, it's easier to break habits, than it is to build them. So get family and friends to keep you motivated, stay focused and strong - the results will pay off.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,



Posted by Jerry Hill on Wednesday 10 February 2016
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Emotional Eating

How to beat emotional eating

In our last newsletter, we discussed ways to avoid derailing your weight management goals. We left Emotional Eating off that list so we could discuss it more in depth, as all of us, at some time, have found ourselves eating when trying to deal with emotional issues. When these times come, are you feeding your stomach or feeding your feelings? Often the answer is both. We need to eat to fuel the body, but sometimes we eat to satisfy our feelings. It could be particular foods because we're happy, sad or even bored, but when we eat for reasons other than physical hunger, it's emotional eating.

Eating when we're not really hungry is a sure way to add unnecessary calories weight that can quickly ruin your weight management program. So how do you beat emotional eating? Know the difference and then manage it.

Knowing the difference:



  1. Emotional eating appears suddenly, but physical hunger comes on gradually.
  2. Even if you're full, you're more likely to keep eating if it's to satisfy a feeling.
  3. If your stomach is growling for food, you'll eat almost anything to fill the gap, especially if you   crave a particular food such as ice cream, chocolate, or potato chips, you're probably eating to feed a feeling.
  4. Emotional eating feels like it you need to eat the food you crave instantly, whereas if it's physical hunger, it can wait.
  5. You may feel guilty after emotional eating, but if you're physically hungry you won't.

Managing emotional eating:





  1. Try to recognize the feelings that cause you to want to eat emotionally.
  2. Take your mind off the craving by doing something else - try going for a walk, do some housework, or talk to a friend.
  3. Find a comfort food that's a healthy alternative, so when the feeling comes you've got an option that isn't junk food.
  4. It's about moderation, not elimination. If you're on a diet, elimination of all unhealthy foods can do more harm than good. For example, if you can't live without chocolate, don't deny yourself completely. Have a small portion, and then put it away.
  5. Sometimes it's just a taste you need. So try eating only a few bites. You're likely to remember the satisfying experience, rather than the guilty feeling after you've finished the whole pack!

If you recognize that you're eating for an emotion, remember that whatever your food choice, learn how to control it and use moderation. Your Herbalife Independent Distributor can help you with healthy and tasty snack alternatives that will support your goals, not destroy them. Contact your distributor today to learn more or to place an order.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Jerry Hill



Posted by Jerry Hill on Wednesday 10 February 2016
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Around 60-70% of the human body is composed of water, so it's fair to say that water is vital for survival. It functions to keep our body temperature regulated, allows us to breathe, is essential in digestion and excretion, assists body movement, just to name a few! Drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day is recommended, but during exercise or when in hot environments, we need to drink more, because we sweat more.

Did you know... Studies have shown as little as one percent dehydration can cause major changes in body temperature, while two percent dehydration will drop your performance levels significantly! So to operate efficiently, it's crucial to keep your fluid levels up. But is water enough? Or do you need a sports drink to stay properly hydrated? Sports drinks will keep you well hydrated and give you energy if you're participating in high intensity exercise for more than an hour. However, if you're not exercising to this level, plain water will do just fine.

What defines a sports drink? Sports drinks (sometimes called electrolyte or isotonic drinks) are developed to contain the right level of carbohydrates and electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium) to keep you well hydrated, replacing what is lost from the body during exercise.

Other drinks that contain high amounts of carbohydrates (such as Lucozade and Red Bull and soft drinks) stop water being absorbed quickly and therefore can delay hydration, so are not suitable before exercise. So if you're doing a high intensity workout, choose a sports drink. But, if you're not working out to this intensity and drink them as part of your everyday routine you may end up putting on weight because of the extra carbohydrate content. If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a slice of lemon, orange, or a sprig of mint to give your water some flavor without added calories.

Hydration tips for exercise



  1. Make sure you're well hydrated before you exercise - start drinking approximately two hours ahead
  2. Continue consuming fluids during exercise
  3. Always remember to re-hydrate after exercise - it's essential for recovery. Try to drink one to two glasses per hour until your urine is pale again

It's easy to forget the importance of staying hydrated, especially during exercise. When possible, complete your workout with a friend so that each of you will have an accountability partner. And when considering sports drinks for rehydration, contact your Herbalife Independent Distributor, who can offer advice on supplemental products.

Your Herbalife Independent Distributor,

Jerry Hill



Posted by Jerry Hill on Wednesday 10 February 2016
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