Helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals
About Us
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I was first introduced to the Herbalife Products back in June 2013 by a collegue at the Gym I worked at in West London. We were both Personal Trainers and to be honest for the first few weeks I was a bit sceptical about these supplements he was taking.

It wasn't until I got injured playing football that I decided I would give the products a go to see if they could help keep me trim, seeing as I wasn't active. After a few days I felt completely different. More energetic, fatigue had decreased. Probably helped that I had cut down on my vice that was coffee. In the first 45 days of bing on the product I managed to strip 8% body fat and my muscle mass percentage had increased massively. I looked and felt the best I had for a long time. The best thing about was that it wasn't hard. I wasn't calorie cutting. I was eating the right foods every 3 hours and the Herbalife products helped with finding that balance.

All my personal training clients are now on the products alongside a healthy, active lifestyle. I couldn't speak more highly of the company and what it has done for me.