Luana Fletcher
Luana Fletcher
Herbalife Independent Member
Luana's Balanced Life
1 Princess Highway
Engadine New South Wales 2233
Email: Phone: 0414 211 325

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Before After

Before Herbalife I found myself tired and grumpy. I struggled to get up in the morning to get my kids to school or work and I found myself wanting to get to bed by 8pm because I was exhausted.

After I was introduced to these amazing products in my first week I lost 2kgs and 6cms of body fat.

I have now gone on to lose another 8kgs and 42cms of body fat and now back in my size 9 jeans that I love.

I have maintained my weight for the last 22 months and feel so energetic and my body has never felt so good on the inside and out.

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